Eagle Village Hurricane Ian Update

Earlier this week, Hurricane Ian struck the western coast of Florida, impacting many communities, including Bradenton, Fla., home of our Eagle Village.

While Eagle Village suffered some extensive damages, we’re happy to say that there were no injuries to any of the employees or residents and the Village should be back to normal in due time.

73 of the units have been without power since Wednesday. The Eagle Village offices, recreation center, and 12 cottages currently have electricity and around 20 residents are currently residing in the recreation center.

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DRC Director’s Report – September 2022

Over the past decade, evidence has emerged indicating that high blood sugar in type 1 diabetes cause adverse brain changes in children. The adverse changes include abnormal brain structural alterations and reduced functioning on some cognitive tests. Over the past few years, hybrid closed-loop insulin pumps have become commercially available. These devices combine a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) with an insulin pump that is controlled by an algorithm that uses CGM data to inform insulin delivery.

The hybrid closed-loop insulin pumps aim to keep blood sugar in the low 100s (mg/dL). These systems can often improve average blood sugars and reduce the severity and frequency of low and high blood sugars. It is thus natural to ask whether the improved blood sugar control offered by a hybrid closed-loop insulin pumps might reduce the adverse brain effects of type 1 diabetes in children.

FOEDRC faculty Dr. Mike Tansey and Dr. Eva Tsalikian were among a small group of diabetes physicians across the United States who designed such a study to answer this very question. The initial results from the study were just published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.

Their randomized clinical study involved 42 adolescents with type 1 diabetes who were randomized to a hybrid closed-loop insulin pump versus conventional therapy. They were studied 6 months later, undergoing a brain MRI and cognitive testing.

Although this study was considered a pilot trial, the results showed significantly fewer adverse impacts in those randomized to the hybrid closed-loop insulin pumps. The hybrid closed-loop insulin pump group performed better on a cognitive test of perceptual reasoning and had fewer abnormal structural brain changes.

These results add to the growing evidence showing that excessive hyperglycemia is damaging to the developing brain during childhood. This study shows the important positive impact that hybrid closed-loop insulin pumps can make in improving blood sugar levels and long-term outcomes in children with diabetes.

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DRC Director’s Report – August 2022

This June, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) hosted its 82nd Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, LA. Each year, thousands of attendees join together from across the world to hear the latest cutting-edge research. Sharing the latest scientific findings, the annual meeting is the largest and most important gathering focused on diabetes research. The ADA is the nation’s leading voluntary health organization fighting to bend the curve on the diabetes epidemic and help people living with diabetes thrive. For 82 years, the ADA has driven research to treat, manage and prevent diabetes while also working relentlessly for a cure.

Diabetes is the most common underlying chronic condition in the United States. 133 million Americans currently live with diabetes or prediabetes and, in the last 20 years, the number of Americans with diagnosed diabetes has more than doubled. The ADA is focused on timely, critical advancements in diabetes research and care.

This year, the University of Iowa was featured in a short film shown at the ADA meeting. The Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center (FOEDRC) is one of the leaders in diabetes research, focused on understanding the development of diabetes, how to better manage diabetes, and how to improve the treatment of diabetes. The FOEDRC was founded in 2008 when the Fraternal Order of Eagles pledged $25 million to establish a world-class diabetes research center at the University of Iowa. With this gift, the FOEDRC has grown to include over 100 faculty members involved in diabetes research and brings in over $30 million of funding from the NIH annually.

The short film presented at the ADA scientific meeting highlights FOEDRC co-directors, Andy Norris, MD, Ph.D. and Kamal Rahmouni, Ph.D., along with colleagues, Ayotunde Dokun, MD, Ph.D., Yumi Imai, MD, and Katie Larson-Ode, MD.

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Utah – August 2022

On June 14, members of the Utah State Aerie and Auxiliary assembled on the grounds of the University of Utah Hospital to make Grant presentations to the University of Utah Hospital Health and to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation. State Worthy President Raymond Quick and State Madam President Liz Hernandez made presentations of checks to the University of Utah Health totaling $42,500 in Grants, and checks totaling $35,000 to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

From the August 2022 edition of People Helping People.

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Brainerd, Minnesota – August 2022

Brainerd Eagles #287 recently held a fundraiser for Camp UBU. The camp was in need of funds to support less fortunate children who requested to attend. The Eagles raised $1,612 during their event. Additionally, Eagle member Amanda Bachman, who also belongs to the Brainerd Lions, requested a donation for the event and was given a surprise check for $5,000 from the Lions to help the cause. The Qing for Communities barbecue fundraiser was supported by Super One foods and the Ugly Cheesecake Factory. Thanks go to  Shawn and Michelle Bailey for serving as the grill masters. Pictured, l to r, Trustees Keith Bachman and Bob Hannahs and bartender Dan Bachman. Also pictured is Bob Hannahs presenting the donation to Cathy Picek, Camp UBU Director.

From the August 2022 edition of People Helping People.

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Newport, Vermont – August 2022

Northeast Kingdom Eagles #4329 hosted a fundraiser for an individual in their community battling cancer and raised more than $30,000 for his personal needs, medical bills and funeral expenses. The Ladies’ Auxiliary also awarded him with a check for $700 from raffle proceeds.

The Fraternal Order of Eagles Grand Aerie

Stay posted to FOE.com and our social media channels for up-to-date information. 

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